Auto Repair Team | Davenport Motor Company

My Davenport Difference: Family

In 1996 the Davenport brothers took a leap of faith. They had been working at a local Lexus dealer, servicing cars. But they felt called to do more.

“We had families to support, kids to educate, bills to pay,” Dave Davenport recalls. “Despite the challenges, we were drawn to the opportunity that having our own business would provide.”

Twenty years later, with all three brothers (Dave, Craig and Daniel) now working in the business, they wouldn’t change their decision. “Our father was a great inspiration for us,” says Craig. “As a minister, he knew the importance of relationship. So that’s what our business was built on: getting to know our customers and treating them with honesty and integrity.”“And keeping their cars running,” adds Daniel.

The Davenport “family” includes not only the brothers but their employees, as well. From the beginning, the brothers committed to a five-day work week, preserving weekends so everyone could spend time with family.

This family-friendly work atmosphere has helped foster deep loyalty and longevity, so that Davenport customers get to know their service advisors and the technicians who work on their cars.

What’s in store for the next 20 years? While times may change, the values and integrity that undergird this service business won’t change. “We’re not fancy or showy,” declares Dave, “but as long as customers want honesty and fair service, we’ll be here.”

Customer Img 1 | Davenport Motor Company

My Davenport Difference: Dependability

Jim Reed is that most precious of customers: he believed in you when you were just starting out, and he has trusted your service ever since. That’s the special relationship Jim—along with other long-time customers— shares with the Davenport Motor Company guys.

Twenty years ago in 1996, Davenport was a fledgling independent Lexus service shop, and Jim was a guy looking to buy his first Lexus—a used 1991 LS400 sedan with 70,000 miles. The sales person referred Jim to Davenport—the guys he trusted to give Jim straight advice on the car’s shape—and Davenport gave the car a thumbs up. He hasn’t looked back since.

“Davenport always services my cars,” says Jim. “They are honest, reliable, dependable, and just fun to do business with. Over the years, they’ve inspected every used Lexus before I bought it, and serviced the car until it was time for the next one! Now I bring both of our cars in every 5,000 miles for oil changes and anything else we may need.” As we celebrate 20 years of dependable, honest service, we invite you to tell your friends and neighbors about Davenport Motor Company. We appreciate your business!

Customer Img 2 | Davenport Motor Company

My Davenport Difference: TLC

“Dad, we want to ride in Mom’s car. Your car is just so not cool.”

Dave G. smiles. He remembers the days of shrinking down in the front seat of his Dad’s not-so-cool car, hoping no one saw him.

Now he knows better. With a family to support, kids to educate, and dogs to transport, Dave cherishes his well-loved, well-maintained, high-mileage LS430 sedan. He appreciates the lessons he learned from his Dad of how to take care of a car, performing maintenance and repairs, and being more concerned about what’s on the inside than the outside—even though his LS430 looks pretty good for nine years old!

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My Davenport Difference: Honesty

Bill Owens watched as the saleswoman patted the hood of the black jade pearl Lexus LS400. “This car will last for 500,000 miles,” she declared. It was 1990 and Lexus had just been introduced as a luxury car brand, competing with Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac and BMW. Bill was hooked.

In 2002, Bill and his family moved to Texas, still driving the Lexus. The car’s mileage was increasing, and every time Bill took it to the dealer for regular maintenance, he left with a long list of “needed repairs.”

One day as he left the dealer, he noticed a newly opened Lexus service shop in Plano. Davenport Motor Company had arrived! On impulse, he pulled in and asked them to look at the car, then look at the list of “needed repairs.” What he heard from Davenport was exactly as he suspected: he didn’t “need” all those repairs at all. And Davenport’s second opinion was free.

He has never been back to the dealer, and his trust in Davenport is unwavering

“I kept this car because of Davenport,” he said. “We’re getting ready to turn 500,000 miles. I guess we’ll prove that saleswoman right!” An accountant by profession, Bill knows value for his investment. He knows he will receive fair pricing, excellent service, and honest work at Davenport.

Like all customers, Bill is special at Davenport. It’s rare to find an original 1990 Lexus with an original owner. It’s even rarer to turn 500,000 miles. But as long as he wants to keep the car going, Davenport will make it happen.

Customers | Davenport Motor Company

My Davenport Difference: Family

In the Moore household, you don’t get rid of a car—you pass it to the next driver in line. And the next. And the next.

The story begins with a 1994 Lexus that Mary Moore drove, then her husband, then her son, and finally her daughter, Caroline. When that car met its untimely end in 2011, Caroline needed a new—er, different—car. So what was the family’s solution? Grandmother Francille McCarthy offered her 2004 Toyota Avalon, seven years old with a mere 43,000 miles.

But the solution wasn’t that easy! Mary was driving the Avalon. So for Caroline to get the Avalon, Mary needed a new car. A REAL new car this time! Her pick? A new Lexus IS250 convertible.

The Moore family’s secret to automobile longevity is Davenport Motor Company. Davenport not only keeps all these cars straight, it also keep them running. All the cars get regular check-ups and routine maintenance. Plus, Davenport tracks future needs, such as brakes, so Caroline can get her car serviced while she’s home from college.

But just as much as the Moore family relies on Davenport’s expertise, they also value Davenport’s emphasis on family—such as being closed on weekends so staff can spend time with their families. After all, family should come first, and Davenport is keeping multiple generations of the Moore family driving safely.

My Davenport Difference: Personal Service

As a wedding planner, McKenzie Wollin sooths frayed nerves, remains calm through family squabbles, and makes every bride feel extra-special. This is how she treats others—and this is how she likes to be treated.

McKenzie had always wanted a Lexus IS250. So a friend called her one day and said, “I have the perfect car for you! This guy I know just got dumped by his fiancée—and he had just bought her an IS250. She gave back the ring and the car and left town. You sure don’t want his ring, but the car has your name all over it!” And it did.

Her friend’s advice, however, didn’t stop at buying the car. She also told McKenzie that she HAD to get the car serviced at Davenport. There was just no other place to go.

McKenzie had taken the car to its original dealer for service, but felt like a number—shuffled around, treated nicely but impersonally. She was just one more car owner, getting one more service job.

Then she remembered Davenport.

When she walked in for her first service appointment, McKenzie was blown away by how she was treated. “The guy in the front office stood up and came out to greet me as I came through the door,” she said. “He knew my name and said they were expecting me. How great is that?”

This personal service matched exactly what McKenzie wanted. Now she brings her car to Davenport for everything, and will never go back to the dealer for service. She uses a free loaner car when her car needs to stay awhile, and she relies on Davenport to notify her when she’s due for non-routine maintenance, such as a brake job.

“I won’t go anywhere else, and I will only buy a Lexus from now on! And I’m hoping the next one will be family-size.”

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My Davenport Difference: Trust

Tracy Bodenheimer knows what it’s like to buy a used car. And she knows what it’s like to have a bad service experience after buying the car.

Fifteen years ago Tracy was a single mom, working hard to support herself and her kids. She wanted a Lexus because of their reputation for safety and reliability. So after a long search, she located the perfect car: a Lexus that was only a few years old, being sold by a local dealer who assured her it had passed its inspection with flying colors.

Two weeks later, Tracy was back at the dealership with a leaking radiator—and a $2100 repair bill.

A friend recommended she have Davenport look at the car before making the repair. So she had the car towed across the Metroplex to the original Davenport location near TI at LBJ and Central. The verdict? The car needed a $10 radiator cap—not a new radiator.

Eventually the radiator was replaced—as was the car. And four Lexus later, Tracy still comes to Davenport for everything: oil changes, tire rotations, routine maintenance, service calls.

“I will never go anywhere else and I will only drive a Lexus because of Davenport,” says Tracy enthusiastically. “As a woman, I know I can trust them to be honest with me about the work my car needs. And that is NOT the experience I had before!”

Tracy is such a Davenport fan that she carries their business cards with her own and passes them out to her friends who drive Lexus. “These guys are like family,” she says. “The stability of everyone who works there speaks to the integrity of the business. They take care of their people just like they take care of me. And that’s why I trust them.”



Sometimes it depends on who you get here. Since my Lexus is out of warranty (It's a 2004) and I've always believed that dealership repair is too high dollar, I found the place on a recommendation from a friend. I have only been to the one in Plano, so I can't speak for the Inwood location. Price-wise, there's no question this will beat any Lexus dealership across the board with hourly fees. In most cases they've been able to get better pricing on parts, but in one case in particular they could only match what the dealer offered for it. I also remember a case where they had given me a quote 6 months before and I finally got around to getting the repair done. The part had gone up in price by $500 but they honored the quote. I do a lot of highway driving and the front end of my car has been getting some serious road rash lately, I'm sure from all the construction along the highways around here. They found a guy that fixed the whole front (mostly touch up on paint chips, scratches, etc) and charged about $100. I'll always take my Lexus here for sure. My personal preference at the Plano location is Jimy Wright. He's a good dude.